The Rising Threat of Locksmith Pick Guns: A New Tool for Burglars
2025-01-02 10:11
In recent years, a new method of burglary has been quietly gaining traction in some neighborhoods, as burglars bypass traditional break-in methods like kicking down doors or smashing windows. Instead, they’re turning to a tool that is typically used by professional locksmiths but is increasingly accessible to the general public: Lock Pick Guns.
While pick guns are designed for licensed locksmiths to quickly and efficiently open locked doors, they have found their way into the hands of potential criminals. These devices, which cost around $150 online, allow individuals to manipulate a lock’s pins and gain access to a property in a matter of seconds—making them a powerful tool for burglars looking to avoid the noise and destruction of more conventional break-in techniques.

What is a Pick Gun?
A locksmith pick gun is a mechanical tool that mimics the action of a key entering a lock, but at a much faster rate. The tool works by creating rapid, precise jolts that push the pins of a lock cylinder into the correct position to allow the lock to turn. In the hands of a skilled user, this process can be completed in a matter of seconds, offering burglars a stealthy and efficient way to bypass locks without causing significant damage to doors or frames.
According to professional locksmith, the pick gun is effective but requires skill to use properly. It’s not as simple as just using a hammer or crowbar, You need both dexterity and technique to manipulate the pins in the lock effectively.
Unlike traditional lock picking sets, which can be time-consuming and noisy, the Lock Pick Gun Set offers burglars a more discreet option. Although it does produce a faint clicking sound, it is far quieter than the sound of shattering glass or breaking a door frame. This makes it an attractive option for criminals looking to avoid detection while gaining entry into a home.
The Rise in Availability of Pick Guns
One of the key factors contributing to the rise of Lock Pick Guns as a tool for burglars is their increasing availability. Despite being designed for professional locksmiths, these devices can now be found online with little to no restrictions. This ease of access has made the tools an appealing choice for those with criminal intent, especially in areas where burglaries are common.

Why Pick Guns Aren't the Primary Tool of Burglars
While pick guns are undeniably effective, they are unlikely to become the go-to tool for most burglars. There are several reasons why the pick gun will not entirely replace more traditional methods. For one, using a pick gun requires considerable skill and practice. You have to understand the mechanics of the lock and apply the right amount of pressure at the right time.
In addition to skill, burglars also need to be able to silence any security systems in place. Unlike locksmiths, who are often called to assist in unlocking doors when homeowners are nearby, burglars must be mindful of any alarms or surveillance systems that may alert authorities to their presence. The quietness of the pick gun is a distinct advantage here, but it is still not as reliable as other methods for evading detection.
Furthermore, the pick gun is just one tool in a burglar’s arsenal. Although it can be effective at bypassing traditional locks, it is not foolproof. More modern locks and security systems may still pose a significant challenge to someone trying to gain access to a property.
Locksmiths' Perspective
From a locksmith’s perspective, pick guns are seen as tools of last resort. While they can be useful in certain situations, locksmiths like Priest prefer to rely on other methods when unlocking doors for legitimate customers. "When I’m called to unlock a door, I don’t usually start with the pick gun," a locksmith says. "I try to use other methods first, because I don’t want my customers thinking I’m rushing through the job."
Please notes that locksmiths are often able to unlock doors without causing damage, even when time is of the essence. He uses a variety of tools and techniques to open locks, taking into consideration the specific circumstances of the job. For example, he may have to work around the presence of a security system or other factors that burglars do not have to consider.
Despite the potential dangers posed by Lockpick Gun in the hands of criminals, believes that they are unlikely to become the primary tool for burglars. It’s still too hard for most people to use effectively. And it requires a level of skill that most burglars just don’t have."

A Growing Concern
As pick guns become more accessible, homeowners and law enforcement agencies may need to take additional precautions to safeguard their homes. Investing in higher-quality locks, security systems, and surveillance cameras can help deter burglars from attempting to break in. In addition, local law enforcement may need to consider regulations that limit the sale and distribution of these tools to ensure they don’t fall into the wrong hands.