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How to Properly Use Your Original Lishi Tools KW1 2-In-1 Pick

2021-12-22 08:43

How to Properly Use Your Original Lishi Tools KW1 2-In-1 Pick

Original Lishi Tools KW1 2-in-1 Pick is very unique and is used In a different way from its automotive counterparts. KW1 is designed to function more like a standard lock picker and should therefore be used as such. The basic design of the tool is inherently more fragile, so do not force the pin up if it is difficult to move. It might be helpful to think of the KW1 2-in-1 Pick as a tool that uses skill rather than brute force when used. The following is a step-by-step guide to using the Original Lishi KW1 2-in-1 dial. Follow the steps described here carefully to ensure that your tool provides you with reliable service. These programs will help you avoid damaging the pick's unique design or damaging it altogether.
Note that while it is theoretically possible to use KW1 2-in-1 Pick on a Kwikset SmartKey lock, you do so at your own risk. Forcing a tool into the keyway of a SmartKey lock or exerting excessive pressure on the lifting arm may damage the delicate design of the tool. KW1 is primarily designed for five (5) pin locks with KW1 keyway, which uses cylindrical pins. You need to be very careful when using KW1 on a SmartKey lock, and this is not what the tool was designed for. Please remember that failure to follow correct procedures or improper use of force will void the KW1 warranty.
Step 1 – Cleaning the Kwikset or Compatible Lock
One of the most important things to do before using the Original Lishi KW1 2-in-1 Pick is to prepare the lock properly. Dirty or contaminated locks can damage tools, especially the lift tip, which has a very delicate and unique design and is somewhat fragile in nature. To prepare the lock properly, use the following instructions: Spray some CRC electronic cleaner into the key slot of the lock to wash off any dirt or debris that may be present. Run KW1 key blank, in and out of lock approximately 25 times to exercise pin and spring.Spray some CRC heavy silica gel (or lubricant of your choice) into the keyway of the lock and gently lubricate the roller (silica gel is a good lock-picking lubricant as it leaves no residue that will stick to the lock).Run KW1 key billet again, in and out of lock about 25 times to continue exercising the pin and spring. You are now ready to insert the KW 2-I-1 tool.
Step 2 – Inserting the Pick
Correct insertion of the KW1 2-in-1 pick after proper lock preparation is critical to ensure successful pick and avoid damage to the pick. To insert the KW1 2-in-1 pick correctly, follow the instructions below carefully: Carefully grasp the KW1 2-in-1 pick with either hand. Grab the lifting arm and move it down so that the tip of the arm is lower than the top of the tool. Correctly positioned lifting arm tip. Pull the lift arm all the way to the back of the tool so that the lift tip is protected within the tool tip. Make sure the tensioning arm is completely closed. Grab the pick so that the tensioning arm remains closed and the lifter remains at the bottom of the pick tip. Carefully insert KW1 into the key slot of the lock. If you feel any resistance, pull back the pick and make sure the lifter tip is always at the bottom of the tool tip and always on the back of the tool. Try to insert the pick again. If the skid cannot enter the lock, do not force the skid, but check whether there are obstacles in the lock or whether the skid deformation. If necessary, gently shake the tool tip up and down to help guide it into the keyway of the lock. Make sure the pry is fully inserted into the lock and the shoulder of the pry is resting against the lock plug.
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