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How do lock pick guns work: ways to use lockpick guns to open locks

2021-10-07 09:02

How Lock Picking Guns Work

Are lock pick guns easy to use? How does a pick gun work? Do lock pick guns damage locks? Follow this short article, and then you will find the answer relating to these three questions!
How Lock Picking Guns Work?
A lock picking gun works on the principal of inertia or for example Newton’s Cradle. The steel rod from the lock picking gun strikes the pins simultaneously when you pull the trigger. Hitting each pin so quickly it separates the pins allowing you catch the pins above the shear line of the lock with your tension wrench and open the lock. Depending on the kind of pins inside the lock you might have to strike the pins multiple times, to get all the pins above the shear line and open the lock. But the principal still works the same.


Using Lock Pick Guns
Lock pick guns work by creating a sharp impact within a pin tumbler lock. When these locks are at rest, top pins cross the shear line between the lock shell and the lock plug. The shear line needs to be clear before the lock will turn. When you put the proper key into the lock, it pushes all the top pins into the shell, but keeps the bottom pins in the plug, leaving the shear line clear. Wrong keys leave top and bottom pins crossing the shear line.
A lock pick gun bounces the pins. A hardened steel needle strikes the bottom pins all at once, sharply. Top pins rest on bottom pins, and the impact is transferred to them just like a rear-ended car jars the car in front of it. Springs in the pin chambers push the top pins down at all times, but spring resistance is pretty weak. After the jarred pins bounce, there is a moment when the shear line is clear, before the springs have pushed the top pins back to their resting positions. In this moment the lock is picked and can be turned.
Lock pick guns do not work on wafer tumbler locks, which do not have top and bottom pins. A person may occasionally open one of these locks with a lock pick gun, but only when the pick needle is used to pick the lock in a conventional fashion. Lock pick guns destroy wafer locks easily, so don’t use them on wafer locks. Pin tumblers are primarily found in house locks, and wafer tumblers are primarily found in automobiles. Lock pick guns can accomplish, sometimes, what conventional lock picks cannot. Some types of pick resistant pins (spool, mushroom, and serrated pins) defy conventional picking techniques, but can be bounced out of the way with a lock pick gun.
- The pick gun needle is inserted into a key-way.
- The trigger is squeezed which cocks the mechanism and lets the needle drop. When the trigger is further pulled, an internal hammer is released which causes the needle to snap upward.
- There is a thumb wheel on the pick gun that determines how hard it snaps.
- Start with low impact, if it doesn’t open after a few snaps increase the tension on the impact a little.
- Adjusting the thumb wheel just right takes a bit of getting used to. Before the hammer falls, the needle should be lightly resting on all of the bottom pins. You should have a tension wrench in place, in the key-way as in regular lock picking. The tension should be very light. When the needle snaps upward the top pins will be thrown upward at the same time, away from the bottom pins. For a brief moment, while the top pins are thrown upward, the shear line between the plug and the shell is unimpeded, and if the proper amount of light pressure (torque) is present on the tension wrench, the plug will turn and the lock will open.
- Pick guns often require several attempts to pick the lock, but are effective against most low to mid security pin-tumbler locks
- Generally, lock pick guns are simple to use and can perform the task quickly, efficiently and effectively.
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