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DIY Lock Pick Set: How to make a homemade lock pick set

2021-09-24 16:56

How to make a homemade lock pick set

On the one hand, picking locks is suitable for spies and thieves. On the other hand, owing this ability can help you to get out of some troubles when you get into your house after locking yourself out, so, you must grasp this ability! Of course, you can improvise from whatever hairpins or paper clips you have on hand. Or, if you find it is hard for you, you can also choose to buy cheap Lock Picks for Sale at If you want to DIY Lock Pick Set by yourself, here is how:
Tension Wrench
A tension wrench is the backbone of a lock kit. Before you can even put the pry piece into the keyhole, you need to use a tension wrench to apply slight pressure on the bottom of the hole on the pin-bolt lock, the most common type of lock on a door. Remember, when you choose a lock, apply this pressure in the direction you turn the key, and err on the side of applying too little pressure rather than too much. If you have a barrette, you can make a tension wrench by simply bending the entire barrette into an L shape. Any small piece of solid metal can work similarly; You can even make tension wrenches out of windshield wipers.
Hook Pick
Buying hook pick is not your intention, in this situation you can easily make one while it's in the lock by splitting the sides of the hairpin, removing the rubber from the tip of the straight edge, and pulling at the end to bend it slightly. You can then bend one side of the crimp inward to make a "handle" to operate the pick. Feel each stitch with a crochet needle, then pick the hardest stitch first.
Rake Pick
A hook pick is used to pick a single pin at a time, while a tension wrench turns the "key," but if you can use a rake pick on the lock, it's usually faster and easier. The rake has several curls, so you can massage the rake in the lock in a sweeping way to adjust the pins, rather than adjusting the pins one at a time. This works best when the pins are the same size. To make your own rake, straighten a large paper clip and use needle-nose pliers to add two curls to the end of the wire. The other end of fashion becomes a handle.
Following the tips above, and you will DIY a lock pick set by yourself! But if you do not want to spend much time and just want to keep a lockpick in your inventory for unexpected needs, you can just come to for help! Here, you can find thousands of Locksmith Tools for sale with cheapest price ever!